
Here’s the deal, we care about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. Knollwood is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that same freedom.

Our Pastor

Jeremiah Metsinger


Bro. Metsinger studied at Heartland Baptist Bible College. Upon graduation he and his wife moved to Sioux Falls, SD to work with the youth, where they saw great change and growth in the teens. After a couple years of being there he was burdened to pastor, and began seeking direction and further study. In August of 2006 God led our pastor and his family to South Knollwood Baptist Church. Bro. Metsinger completed his Doctorate in Ministry shortly following their move to Topeka. Bro. & Mrs. Metsinger enjoy spending time with their three sons and daughter, and involving them in the work of South Knollwood.

Our Beliefs

What you read here is a summarization of what we believe as a church. We believe the Bible and teach it to be without error. Every belief and teaching flows from the Bible, God’s Word.